Proven Programs

Ready to smash your health and weight loss goals? Check out these two proven programs to help you!

Creating good habits and making good decisions is hard… especially when there are temptations around every corner.

Can we get real for a sec?

You have goals.

You know what you want your health, energy, body, and quality of life to look like… but, man, is it tough doing it on your own!

The good news? You don’t have to!

Our two most popular and proven programs make it EASY and FUN to accomplish your goals.

Pssst… yes, we even have cheat meals covered!

So how do you chose?

Based on what you’re trying to accomplish and in what time frame you’ll know which one is right for you!

Click tabs for details or keep reading below:


Ready to shake off 2020 to look and feel the best YOU in just 10 days?

Trying to get back on track after the year you just had seems like a huge uphill battle.

If you are ready to lose weight, gain energy, sleep better, clear the mental fog, improve your mood, and get gorgeous glowing skin… then don’t wait any longer!

Here’s what that looks like:

  • Lose weight in a natural and healthy way instead of starving yourself and being flat-out hangry. No one wants that.
  • Get rid of that belly bloat instead of being uncomfortable and unhappy while trying to get through your day.
  • No longer deal with a poorly functioning digestive system that lands you in the bathroom at the most inopportune times.
  • Have the pep, energy, and mental clarity you need to accomplish your dreams and goals instead of being foggy, tired, and collapsing on the couch every night.
  • Achieve clear, glowing skin and love what you see in the mirror instead of hiding and loading up on more makeup.
  • Sleep soundly all night long instead of tossing and turning. You already have so much to think about, let your food and drink actually work for you by balancing your mind and body.
  • Boost your metabolism, eliminate sugar cravings, & rid your body of unwanted toxins, inflammation, and fat so you have the clarity and energy to be the most confident and beautiful you on the inside and out.

By day 10 you will feel the best you have ever felt in your life.


This program is perfect for anyone who:

  • Is looking to get results quickly
  • Wants an overall internal system refresh and reboot
  • Has an event coming up and wants to drop weight for
  • Is getting married and wants to not only lose weight but have glowing skin for their big day
  • Wants a strong jumpstart to a new healthy lifestyle
  • Is looking to break strongholds and unhealthy habits quickly and effectively

Click here for all details:


Ready to wash off 2020 and crush your goals in just 28 days?

A program designed to help you develop permanent healthy habits that will last you a lifetime.

Making good decisions on your own is tough.

Let’s face it–there’s nothing more frustrating than trying to get back on track after your habits slid downhill… but after the year you just went through… goodness, it seems like that hill has turned into Mount Everest!

There’s nothing more disheartening than gaining weight but having a full year of consuming more sugar, processed foods, and alcohol than normal is enough to push you over the edge.

Imagine having unshakeable habits to live a life you love!

Here’s what that would look like…

  • Naturally balance blood sugar and help eliminate cravings instead of battling that mid-afternoon munchie monster
  • Support hormone production and rebalancing instead of feeling like you are on a rollercoaster
  • Improve brain health to keep your mind sharp and clear for a lifetime
  • Improve memory and clear brain fog instead of walking around confused and forgetful
  • Improve digestion instead of always feeling bloated or making emergency bathroom visits at the most inopportune times
  • Increase energy levels instead of collapsing on the couch at the end of the day
  • Improve fertility by feeding your body the best nutrients available
  • Improve the quality of sleep instead of tossing and turning all night long and waking up exhausted
  • Decreases anxiety and mood swings which helps you live a life you love

All accomplished with a scheduled “cheat meal” each week!!

Yes, I’m serious.

This program is perfect for anyone who:

  • Is looking for a long term proven program that will help them develop core habits
  • Wants to lose weight consistently over an extended period of time
  • Does not want an intense style program but something they feel that they can follow and be successful in
  • Has big health or weight loss goals
  • Looks forward to a break or a reward during their journey by using cheat meals to celebrate

Click here for all details:


Your health is finally moving in the right direction… it’s time to keep it there.

Looking to stay on track with your health goals but don’t want to spend all of the extra time and money on trial and error?

Would LOVE to have an assistant to plan out your menu, grocery list, delicious recipes, AND track your calories and macros?

Then you need the Ultimate Recipe Refresh!

Here’s what that would look like…

  • A full week of Meal Planning done so you’re not being caught at dinnertime with everyone starving and looking at you for the solution
  • Save time and money with your meals planned out instead of having to drive through or order delivery because you procrastinated… again
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Treat, and Smoothies planned for you without having to flip through cookbooks or scroll through the endless options on Pinterest
  • A complete Grocery Shopping List, broken down by category so instead of wandering around the store, you know exactly what you need and where to find it
  • Nutritional Information for each recipe instead of wondering how many calories, carbs, protein, and fats are on the plate in front of you
  • “MyFitnessPal” barcode sku to easily scan every meal into your account with ease instead of having to log each individual ingredient for every single meal


This program is perfect for anyone who:

  • is frustrated with trying to not only eat healthy but the amount of time and effort it takes to plan out each meal
  • is tired with wandering around the grocery store looking for all the ingredients for healthy recipes
  • wishes someone would just hand them a weekly grocery list
  • knows they should be logging everything they eat into a food log but just get frustrated trying to find each ingredient to add and the amount of time it takes
  • wishes someone would plan out a weekly menu instead of having to flip through pinterest or cookbooks each week
  • wants to make healthy eating as SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE

Click here for all details:


One small change can change everything!

If you are ready to feel better, move better, have more energy, and improve your skin tone then jump on this 5-day sugar detox challenge!

Ready to feel strong and clear the mental fog… forever?


  • Lose weight that’s been hanging on
  • Improve your complexion and skin tone to get the glow you crave
  • Achieve higher energy levels to make each day the best day
  • Boost your metabolism naturally
  • Eliminate cravings that keep you down
  • Improve your digestion to feel healthy and clean inside
  • & more!

This program is perfect for anyone who is looking to:

  • increase energy
  • lose weight
  • boost metabolism
  • eliminate cravings
  • and more

The truth is if you’ve been eating a lot of sugar (a common issue!), cutting back can be tough. You might feel tired and moody, experience cravings, and more!

This program will give you a complete step-by-step plan to eliminate those added sugars and get your body and your health back on track!

Click here for all details: 

Each of these programs has been proven successful over and over and over!

Now it’s just up to you to choose. Here are some ideas:

  • Some people start with the 10-Day Detox as a jumpstart then transitions into the 28-Day Transformation program for the long-term rewards.
  • Others start with the 5-Day Sugar Detox then head into the 10-Day Detox
  • Many choose the Recipe Refresh after they finish any of the programs to help stay on track with new and exciting healthy recipes.

Have questions? Don’t be afraid to ask.

xoxo, Maureen