The 28-Day Challenge: What Is It?

The 28-Day Weight Loss Challenge is a game-changer. What started off as a simple challenge to shed some winter weight with a small group of friends has turned into a life-changing program with an incredible community of people.

Let’s start with a little about me…

Friend, I am a self-proclaimed “Carb-ivore”. Yes, I love carbs in all shapes and sizes. I am naturally attracted to them, it’s like they seek me out, call my name, and taunt me.

I would fall for them every single time.

Before I understood the concept of proper eating and nutrition, I ate whatever the heck I wanted.
Literally, mac n cheese and I were tight.

I ate like an unsupervised 5-year-old at a birthday party.

Each day was a new party.

On top of my unhealthy eating style, I also carried and gave birth to 4 children. With each pregnancy and delivery came a beautiful miracle… I mean, what an incredible blessing carrying and creating a new life is. Truly.

However, during those pregnancies and my terrible eating habits, I gave in to every single temptation. I would justify that I was pregnant and deserved it.

Each pregnancy I gained 50-60 lbs.
weight loss before picture

After each delivery, the extra pounds I gained during, I couldn’t lose before the next pregnancy. They just kept piling on top of each other.

When, one day, I woke up weighing almost 200 lbs!

I kept blaming the excessive, overflowing muffin top on the “baby weight” and reassuring myself that the weight was all going to just disappear.

Then I instantly went to the one and only I thought to be true…

I needed to get to the gym and workout ASAP!

THAT was my only solution!

Friend, I was so, so misguided.

Here was my mindset when it came to weight loss:

  • Hitting it the gym 7 days a week to work off that weight? Yes, been there, done that.
  • The newest detox cleanse that I found on Pinterest? All the ingredients were purchased
  • Workout equipment infomercials I would stumble across (as I was sitting on the couch with a bowl of chips and french onion dip)? Yup – bought it.
  • Hiring expensive personal trainers to force me to properly work out? Done and Done!

But this is what I had been doing for years – why wasn’t it working?

It wasn’t what I was or was not doing that was the problem… it was how I was thinking about those things.

My weight loss mindset was broken

This was the moment I finally accepted that I wasn’t a victim of my circumstances.

It wasn’t anyone else’s fault that I looked the way I did. I made the decisions to put those foods in my mouth, no one forced me to eat that. I chose every single bite.

Stop the madness!!

I needed to finally make a quality decision. People make decisions all of the time.

Every single day, we are making decisions.

This time HAD to be different. Not only did I need to make a real quality decision but I had to finally, once and for all, FOLLOW. THROUGH.

weight loss before and after

I found this incredible program that completely changed the game for me.

I took the challenge and dropped 27 lbs in 90 days!

The first question people always ask me is,
“how much time did you spend in the gym?”

Friend, the secret to my success was NOT found in the gym.

It was totally due to retraining my brain and body on how to properly eat.

I learned that my body was a machine and needed to be fueled as one.

If I wanted it to work at an optimal level, then I needed to feed it optimal foods.

If I wanted it to be run down, tired, and sickly (which it already was) then I needed to feed it foods that will give me that result.

This program taught me EVERYTHING I needed to know to heal myself physically and mentally.


The 28-Day Challenge is just that, a 28-day JumpStart to your weight loss goals in a group


Research shows that having support can help to build healthy habits that contribute to achieving a
healthy weight.

We make this challenge fun and help you gain accountability by inviting friends to participate in a challenge with you.

It is proven that challenge groups are effective because we as humans love to do things together,
we also love to be challenged by others’ work and success.

For example, I know I work harder when I am in a group or class than when I try to do the work
by myself. I tend to let myself “off the hook” more often when I’m alone.

When I do anything with others I step up my game! This group will definitely help you step up
your game.


The “28-Day Challenge” will help you jumpstart your weight-loss or get back on track by replacing
two meals a day with healthy meal replacements.

This takes the decision-making process much simpler each day. You only need to focus on ONE meal a day. Just one!

Yes, the third meal is completely up to you and on your own.

This is where the real education and learning comes in… where you learn about you and your habits.

This, my friend, is where the beauty truly lies… because there is nothing better than you learning about you.

Each meal option logged is tracked inside your Tracking App.

Complete the Challenge every day for 28-days!

  • Group Coaching
  • One-on-One Coaching
  • LIVE Q&A Sessions
  • Healthy Recipes Suggestions
  • Smart Snack Ideas
  • Program Tips and Tricks
  • Daily Posts, Updates, Motivation, and Inspiration
  • Weekly emails sent right to your inbox with a specific tip or mindset
  • Downloadable Step-by-Step Program Guide
  • Downloadable Personalized Workbook to keep you on track
  • Digital Daily Tracking App
  • Digital Coaching Providing Daily Feedback and Tips
  • And More!

The answer would be a resounding YES!

We’ve had people lose 5 lbs – 25 lbs in these 28 days. Here are just a few:


After the 28-days then you head to the “Healthy for Life” community to complete your 6-month program.

This group provides next-level coaching and mindset to help you finish strong!

We have people who have lost anywhere from 40-70 lbs in less than 1 year!


Maybe your doctor has made some suggestions or some test results came back suggesting you need to make some changes. Then meet my friend Matt.


“The company I work for offered optional health screenings for anyone enrolled with their insurance. I volunteered entirely out of curiosity. I assumed going in that my numbers would be perfectly average. The results were off the charts – literally. My good cholesterol was a low 35 (at risk) and my bad cholesterol was too high to read (over 200).

Easily manageable I thought because I knew how quickly my body could adapt. What really made me nervous were my triglycerides (the fat in your blood) normal levels are less than 150, over 500 is a high risk, and that’s where I was. They didn’t have an exact number for me, which made me more worried.

weight loss before and after

After a little research, I learned that triglycerides mainly come from simple carbs and sugar that your body doesn’t process.

I knew that day I had to make some very serious, immediate, and aggressive changes. 

At this point, I had already been introduced to this program and had decided I didn’t need it for myself because “I don’t need to lose weight”. Sure I had a love handle or 2, but I was always athletic and I knew I could lose a couple of pounds overnight by sheer willpower. 

When I learned that this program is about learning the right way to eat and it’s not just a weight loss gimmick, I decided to commit to a 4-week challenge. Knowing that I needed a radical change, I was extremely serious about following the program.

I learned in the last 4 weeks how to nearly eliminate unnecessary sugar and carbs from my diet along with the importance of portion control.  

Weight loss was not my goal or my focus from this program, a healthy body was my goal. As a byproduct, I lost 16 pounds in these first 28 days! I didn’t even know I had that much extra!

Overall, I genuinely feel better and more energetic every day and I’ve noticed my sleep has improved also.

I have a physical next week and I’m actually thrilled to get the results back, I don’t have to wonder and hope that my body is healthier, I know because of the habits I’ve created that my numbers will be DRASTICALLY improved. I can’t wait to share my new numbers with you!” ~ Matt J, 30 years old


Bad cholesterol (LDL)

Old: 190+ New: 109 Optimal: <130 Very High: >190

Changed by 81+

Total cholesterol

Old: 229 New: 158 Optimal: <200 Borderline High: 200-239

Changed by 71


Old: 500+ New: 70 Optimal: <150 Very High: >500

Changed by 430+


Old: 224 New: 205

Changed by 19 pounds


All Program Options and Details here

Are you ready to lose the weight once and for all?

Join me and an awesome community of people, you will be so glad you did.

xoxo, Mo