Real Life Mo

FREE GUIDE: 21 Educational Resources & Activities for Kids at Home

At home with the kids and quickly running out of ideas and things to do?

Trying to work from home, help with schooling, and get your normal things done...

Only to find yourself having to entertain the kids while getting nothing else done?

I know, friend, me too. As a mom of 4, I totally get it!

So I scoured the internet to locate the top resources and activities to keep kids entertained, busy and learning during this time at home.

From basic curriculum to cooking to physical fitness to music to foreign languages and beyond! There is something for every kid.

This list contains a mix of things you can do together for some special quality time and things they can do independently.

You choose!

I printed this out and have it hanging up in my kitchen for instant access to new ideas and fresh things for my kids to do.

I hope these resources help bring excitement, joy, and peace to your home.

For more details, go to


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